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Labs accredited to the Environmental Sciences and Engineering Section

URL ProjectsLaboratoryAuthorised supervisors
CHANGELaboratory of Catchment Hydrology and GeomorphologyProf. Sara Bonetti
CRYOSLaboratory of Cryospheric SciencesProf. Michael Lehning
DISALDistributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms LaboratoryProf. Alcherio Martinoli
ECEOEnvironmental Computational Science and Earth Observation LaboratoryProf. Devis Tuia
EERLExtreme Environments Research Laboratory – Ingvar Kamprad ChairProf. Julia Schmale
EMLEnvironmental Microbiology LaboratoryProf. Rizlan Bernier-Latmani
ESOEnvironmental Sensing ObservatoryMER Jan Skaloud
GR-CELCEL GroupFlorian Breider
Pierre Rossi
GR-LUDLudwig GroupProf. Christian Ludwig
HERUSLaboratory on Human-Environment Relations in Urban SystemsProf. Claudia R. Binder
LAPILaboratory of atmospheric processes and their impactsProf. Athanasios Nenes
MER Satoshi Takahama
LEVLaboratory of Environmental VirologyProf. Tamar Kohn
LGBLaboratory for Biological GeochemistryProf. Anders Meibom
MER Stéphane Joost
LIMNCLimnology CenterNatacha Tofield-Pasche
LTEEnvironmental Remote Sensing LaboratoryProf. Alexis Berne
MACEMicrobiome Adaptation to the Changing EnvironmentProf. Ianina Altshuler
MICROBELab of Microbial Physiology and Resource BiorecoveryProf. Wenyu Gu
PERLPlant Ecology Research LaboratoryProf. Charlotte Grossiord
RIVERRiver Ecosystems LaboratoryProf. Tom Ian Battin
SENSESmart Environmental Sensing in Extreme EnvironmentsProf. Jérôme Chappellaz
SOILSoil Biogeochemistry LaboratoryProf. Meret Aeppli
WIREWind Engineering and Renewable Energy LaboratoryProf. Fernando Porté-Agel

Labs from other Sections but accredited to SSIE

URBESLaboratory of Urban and Environmental SystemsProf. Gabriele Manoli
PL-LCHHydraulic Constructions PlatformProf. Paolo Perona
Dr Giovanni De Cesare
LANDLaboratory of Landscape DevelopmentProf. Beate Jessel